Tuesday, May 31, 2005
When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
Pronunciation: 'bad-'as
Function: noun
Etymology: sense of "evil, morally depraved" is first recorded 1300. Ironic use as a word of approval is said to be at least since 1890s orally, originally in Black Eng., emerging in print 1928 in a jazz context.
: a brutal person unwilling to follow the rules of others
Pronunciation: 'wän-a-'bE
Function: noun
Etymology: Originally Amer.Eng. surfer slang, from casual pronunciation of want to be
: someone who desires to be something he/she is not
: Classic song by The Spice Girls
You've all heard these words before. Badassness is considered a good trait to have, yes? While being a wannabe (excepting, of course, the Spice Girls song) is not so much with the good. This struggle for cool-vs.-follower is acted out in every school in the world...and beyond.
The search for coolness is epidemic in Hollywood as actresses try to do all they can to get noticed as a Bad Girl. Because that way, they can be featured on VH1 countdown shows like Awesomely Bad Bad Girls.
True, there are some badass females in the world of entertainment, women that you truly wouldn't want to tangle with. Like reporter abuser Bjork or semi-psychopath Michelle Rodriguez, or how about the working assistant's most formidable foe, Naomi Campbell? Throw in Angela Lansbury, who could beat your ass, solve a mystery and touch up her grays without being late for tea, and you see what I'm saying.
Badassness, much like it's distantly related cousin bitchface, is something many strive for, but few achieve. That doesn't stop them from trying. Do these pretenders to the throne have what it takes? Let's investigate.
Since they're J.Lo brand and hardly couture, she earns points here.
Most wannabe bad girls haven't even had their drivers drive past a jail
Would you want to tangle with that in a dark alley or even a well-lit, police-filled area?
Said corpse was also responsible for the reprehensible "I Need To Know" song.
It's like Riverdance with bling
Literally. Flowers.
Total Badass Rating: -
J.Lo cannot seriously add "Badass" to her list of occupations (actress/singer/dancer/restaurateur/fashion designer/Bride of Frankenstein)
Verdict: Wannabe
Laaaame. Remember that girl in middle school who'd try to up the cool quotient by cursing? That's what Jessica's doing here.
“I would go to the beach,” says Alba, “and my born-again friends would be like, ‘Your jeans are too tight! You’re tempting me!’ ” In church, her youth pastor forced Alba to wrap a sweater around her swelling posterior to hide her sin as he read from the Bible
--> +
Literally badass.
"I teach hip-hop down at th' centuh!"
Total Badass Rating: -
Not even her bad ass could save her. She's a wannabe, pure and simple
Verdict: Wannabe
It proves that, at the very least, she is cutthroat and brave enough to tangle with Kate, who can call up Naomi in a second
It takes a confident woman to date such a pretty, pretty boy
Crayola does not exactly scream "bad girl"
Don't fuck with me, fellas, this ain't my first time at the rodeo
Total Badass Rating: -
Close call, but no cigar, crayon girl.
Verdict: Wannabe
Try as they might, most actresses cannot elevate themselves to Badass level just yet. And they do try, so very hard. At the very least, it gives us fodder for entertainment. Because what is better than laughing at people?
Pseudonews Story of the Day: Paris is marrying Paris. If they get married in Paris, I will vomit.
Quote of the Day:
"I have fantastic sex," she purrs. "My body was made for sin. But I'm not domesticated. I've never used an iron or a washing machine and I can't dust, cook or Hoover." --Jessica Simpson
So she equates married sex with sin? Um...on top of being dumb, there is something very disturbing about her and it freaks me out. I blame her creepy dad.
Mallory at 5/31/2005 11:05:00 AM
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
I seem to remember a time where Tom Cruise knew how to hide his rampant insanity, but that time is long gone and there is little to say other than "Bitch crazy".
No, okay, there's lots to say and I will say it, but the underlying theme throughout is "Bitch crazy".
Tom Cruise Sez: Drugs Are Bad, Mmmkay?:
Cruise, who zealously preaches the Church of Scientology's hatred of all mind-altering drugs, tells Bush: "Here is a woman, and I care about Brooke Shields because I think she is an incredibly talented woman. You look at, where has her career gone?"
Say what? There is so much wrong with the above.
According to Us Weekly (Don't even make a sarcastic comment, okay?), Tom and Katie spent Mother's Day with his kids in Mexico. Which is grody, because these kids have their own mother. Granted, she's a wax stick figure, but still. And Katie has a mother of her own. It's just a little inappropriate, but I suppose it shows us all how theirs is THE MOST ROMANTIC LOVE EVER. Good taste can't even keep them apart, people!
The pinnacle, thus far, of Tom Cruise's breakdown was broadcast on Oprah for the entire world to see. He appeared on the show to publicize his heterosexual desire for Katie Holmes, as well as his new movie War of the Worlds.
He claims that love, not his cult, turned him into a raving lunatic. From IMDB:
I can't be cool... I can't be laid back. It's something that has happened and I feel I want to celebrate it and I wanna celebrate her. She's a very special woman.
Tom, you haven't seen cool since Top Gun. Oh, you probably meant cool as in composed. Either way, you're a freak.
He was like a wind-up toy with creepy undertones.
Remember what I said about his manic laughter? His is the only laughter that resembles a severe seizure. I don't remember exactly what brought this fit on, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was something innocuous.
Oprah: I heard this great joke the other day. This guy walks into a bar...
He then discussed his heterosexual love affair with Katie Holmes.
At one point, he demonstrated what I can only imagine is how he planned to administer a beatdown to those who call him gay.
"I will FUCK your shit UP!"
A highlight, if you can call it that, and I can, because it depressed me so much that all I wanted to do was get high, was when Tom ran backstage--although it was more like he galloped in a distressingly heterosexual way--to drag Katie onstage with him. Literally, he dragged her. It was like a scene from a horror movie as the cameras followed him saying, "She's freakin' out! I know she is!" Yeah, Tom, she probably is, because you want to EAT HER BRAINS AND THAT IS NOT EVEN A EUPHEMISM.
He pulled her--again, literally--out onstage to demonstrate their heterosexual love for the cameras. And he gripped her arm so that she couldn't leave.
Perhaps it's just that I have American Psycho on the brain, but this seems incredibly scary to me.
"You better not try to run, Katie. Don't even think about it. Because I will hunt you down like the overlaughing maniac I am and I will kill you. Do you want to test me?"
Even worse was their kiss. It was like...my friend Jill used to get really uncomfortable when she saw cartoon characters kissing. This was just like that. It was an incredibly awkward open-mouthed kiss preceded by Katie whispering, "I love you".
I'm still hyperventilating.
I think it's time to declare this The Best Mental Breakdown Ever.
Mallory at 5/24/2005 09:28:00 AM
Monday, May 23, 2005
A is for Alyssa Milano
Yeah, the girl from Who's the Boss and Charmed. No, she's not really famous, just marginally so. She's always appearing on those Maxim Hot 100 or Sexiest Women Evah!! countdowns despite having cut her hair into this unfortunate style once. Short hair works on some people, but all it did with Miss Milano was bring out the fug, hardcore.
The weird thing about Alyssa Milano is that she seems to have some unnatural power when it comes to zapping the athletes she dates of their talent (I was going to make a suck the talent out of them joke, but this is a family friendly zone). Let's take, for example, her propensity to date baseball pitchers with Italian last names, like Barry Zito and Carl Pavano. In the world of major league baseball, these two are considered somewhat hot. I say somewhat because Barry Zito has a doughy face and one of Carl Pavano's eyes is wonky to the point of distraction. But this is a sport with people like Randy Johnson and Jay Gibbons, so we're grading on a curve here. Anyhoo, after taking up with Alyssa, both Carl and Barry lost their stuff. Like, totally, just lost their ability to pitch. Former Cy Young winner with a 23-5 record Zito can't throw strikes and Pavano is only starting to buckle down after a rocky start.
What I don't get is-what does she do with their talent once she takes it away? Is she using it for her next role, Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone? Is she a nefarious plant sent by the Baltimore Orioles to make sure no one else has a strong starting rotation?
B is for Bret Easton Ellis
After reading Glamorama for a class, I decided to maybe try for the second time to make it through American Psycho. After all, I've learned to deal with the movie, so how hard could it be to make it through the book?
(When I mentioned this to my mother, she went on a tirade about how BEE is "Nothing more than a creepy little freak with rich parents who got lucky. He's SO vile" with vitriol usually reserved for members of the Bush family. She then brightly offered me a brownie, which was disturbing)
Not as disturbing as this book, because as I read it, I remembered why I couldn't read it the first time. But, dumbly, I soldiered on. After every gruesome scene (so every five pages or so), I closed the book, put it under a pillow, paced around my room, then returned to the book, with a hand covering the horrible passages so that I couldn't reread it (even though my eyes would invariably trail towards words like "nail gun").
Now that I am done, I am afraid of Yuppies. I'm also afraid of the cover of the book itself. Because being the rocket scientist I am, I read the book AT NIGHT when I was ALONE and had the following conversation with the book cover:
Mallory: Eep!
Book: Well, hello, there. Look at the smug way I furrow my brow. I am planning on killing you.
Mallory: AHHHHH!
I then placated myself by remembering that Bret Easton Ellis is just an odd man who looks like Richard Nixon and that the book couldn't actually come after me. It's still under a blanket, though, just in case.
C is for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I enjoy the original version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but there is something disturbing about the remake, starring Johnny Depp. I mean, the story has always been somewhat disturbing, as Wonka is the littlest bit sociopathic; remember his dead eyes when, asked to call the police, he says in a monotone, "Help. Police. Murder". Ack! I think it also has to do with how unnaturally plastic Johnny Depp looks.
D is for Doug Savant
I will not get into the particulars of the Desperate Housewives finale because I know some of you haven't seen it yet (it was, however, awesome), but I would like to register my deep love of Doug Savant. He's so adorable and rather hilarious as Tom on DH and he was similarly adorable on an old episode of Melrose that I saw this morning. Any morning with Melrose is a good morning, seriously. I could watch that show for days...
Anyway, on both shows, Doug has sort of been an unsung hero, who wasn't as batshit crazy as Kimberly Shaw or as amusingly Stepford as Bree Van De Kamp (both played by Marcia Cross, hmm) or as smarmy as Michael Mancini or violent as Carlos Solis. But he's awesome! He really is. Also, he is getting better looking with age.
E is for Elvira
Elvira recently made an appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, arriving with Ashley Olsen. Oh, wait, that's actually Mary-Kate, isn't it?
Olivia and I have made our fondness for the Olsen twins known quite frequently and we worship at the altar of their lip gloss and movies, which cure a hangover like nobody's business. This is why I find M-K's appearance so distressing. I mean...the outfit is odd enough, but I'm now used to her version of ashcan chic.
What I don't get is why she looks undead. I mean, look at her! She's blindingly pale. It's like we're watching her die of consumption or something. And why are her eyes so creepy?
Run away, Ashley! Before she eats your sooooooooooul!
Mallory at 5/23/2005 10:14:00 AM
Sunday, May 22, 2005
One of these things is not like the other
The lineup for Ozzfest has been announced. Due to stellar taste in music and a profound distaste for the Osbourne family, thanks to a long period spent researching their stank asses for a paper, I could not possibly care less about the festival itself. Or could I?
The lineup includes:
Even music history challenged I can recognize the first three names on that list. The last, Wicked Wisdom, is a bit confusing. I know that Wicked is a big Broadway show, could the traveling troupe be on this tour?
No, even more hilariously, Wicked Wisdom is a band led by Jada Pinkett Smith. Jada Pinkett Smith! The tiniest transsexual in Hollywood! They opened for Britney Spears on her
So from what I gather from sources who are into this sort of thing, Ozzfest is, like, a big deal and Wicked Wisdom's appearance at said fest is going to go over really, really poorly.
(Aside: God, I love the British press. They are so fantastically bitchy)
I'm not surprised that Sharon Osbourne got one of her many celebrity BFFs to appear on the tour, because Sharon Osbourne would do anything to make friends with the marginally famous if it would extend her fifteen minutes of fame any more. I mean, really, the family has been burgled, Ozzy "accidentally" nearly died in some sort of accident, two children under twenty have gone to rehab, Sharon has had every disease under the sun and they have all been pimped out for television viewers. I have little dignity myself, but that just seems so unseemly to me.
Also unseemly to me is Jada Pinkett Smith. I'm not sure why, exactly, she annoys so much--is it because she's so midgety? More manly than her husband? Because of the bitchface? Because of the lack of talent that she has shown in every one of her film roles, including a horrible turn in the otherwise stellar Collateral? All of the above?
So if this winds up embarrassing both Sharon AND Jada, I will be the happiest girl in the land. I will also be happy if Jada continues to look stupid whilst caught up in the moment onstage.
That is truly, truly rock and roll, people.
Mallory at 5/22/2005 07:14:00 PM
Thursday, May 19, 2005
My love affair with UPN is over. Now I can go back to judging others for their poor taste in television without that shameful secret looming over me.
It all started with Britney and Kevin: Chaotic, which was just...I don't know what adjectives to use. It was dumb and skeevy but even worse--it was dreadfully dull. I mean, I know from dumb and skeevy celebreality shows, but this show nearly put me to sleep. I didn't care to hear so much about Britney and Kevin (who looks like a perp on Cops) and their sex life, nor did I want to see up Britney's nostrils as often as I did.
It was like Truth or Dare had Madonna no brain cells and even poorer taste in men.
Then, on the finale of America's Next Top Model, they crowned Naima the winner, despite being dreadfully dull, with a propensity to have dead eyes in her photos and rocking an outdated mohawk. I didn't hate Naima, per se, but I loved Kahlen who was incredibly versatile and lovely. I suppose I should be happy that Keenyah didn't win. It's a damn shame that a girl with an attitude and hairstyle as bad as hers made it to the top three. I can't find a picture of the horror of her hair--it was an asymmetrical blunt cut and it turned into a helmet of sorts and it made her jaw look huge.
There was a fantastic moment of bitchiness from Janice Dickinson, as she listed the designers she was a muse for, but it wasn't enough.
At least I won't have to see a zillion and one commercials for Kevin Hill anymore. I mean, yes, Taye Diggs is pretty, but the man can't act. Let's get that out in the open, okay? Much like his Brown Sugar costar Boris Kodjoe--hot, but can't act. At. All.
(Brown Sugar has the best looking cast, does it not? Taye Diggs, Boris Kodjoe and MOS DEF? Awesome. The hotness of the cast, I mean, not the movie. Which wasn't as awesome as it could have been. But I still own it. I'm not proud.)
I don't know that Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney will win any awards for most romantic couple:
Kenny Chesney's proposal to Renee Zelweger was no "candlelight dinner and bent knee" affair. In fact, Chesney says there was no proposal at all. "She wouldn't let me, really. She just told me to name a town and place and she'd be there," the country singer said Tuesday after the 40th Academy of Country Music Awards show. Asked what it's like being married, Chesney replied: "To be honset with you, it's not all that different. I'm just not searching anymore."
Really, what the hell is going on with these two? Did she want to get married that badly that she went out and found the first gay cowboy who'd walk down the aisle with her? Need I remind us all that this woman dated George Clooney?
If she wanted a ring on her finger and was willing to marry a man of questionable sexuality, she should have gone for Tom Cruise. They could have worked the whole former costar angle, and she'd get red roses and Armani swag, not an emotionless tractor guy.
Use your head next time, Renee. Because you know there will be a next time.
It would be near impossible for Brittany Murphy to look better than she does right now. Simply stunning.
Not too long ago, she was a tiny little crackwhore. But then, right when she and Ashton Kutcher ended things, she cleaned up her act and turned fab.
This, of course, led me to concoct a theory that, under no circumstances, should one date a castmember of That 70's Show. Let's recap:
The one exception, of course, is Mila Kunis and Macauley Culkin, who has not become more screwed up since dating her. However, it's near impossible for him to become even more fucked up than he was already, so they don't count.
Thanks for the compliments on the new layout, courtesy of Francey. It's easier on my eyes. Apparently, you turn 22 and can't see well or otherwise function in society.
Mallory at 5/19/2005 12:50:00 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
After School Specials
I recently hypothesized that Lindsay Lohan has gone over to the dark (read: ugly) side due to becoming too famous too fast. Almost like the brilliant Lifetime opus She's Too Young says: "She's not fast--she's just keeping up".
Now I'm beginning to wonder if Lindsay sold her youth to the devil in exchange for Satan wishing ill upon Hilary Duff. Which would explain The Duffsta getting cheated on by grotsky Aaron Carter with her BFF, as well as Raise Your Voice and that dreadful sister of hers who is like some sort of creepy appendage.
You'd think Lindsay would have the last laugh, but I don't know that this deal with the devil was worth it, because I swear to god, Lindsay Lohan looks 47. Like a skanky 47 year old, the type who hits on teenage boys at the grocery store and strokes their arm with her painted nails and Diamonique jewelry and smells like cigarettes.
And...is she wearing bermuda shorts?
She's just such a cautionary tale--kids, stay in school, don't date Fez or do drugs or date Fez or pal around with Paris Hilton or date Fez. Because if you do, you will look like this:
And nobody deserves that.
People should be using this as an after-school special or educational film, not the movie where Helen Hunt becomes addicted to angel dust, because I feel that Lindsay's ravaged face is far scarier than Helen Hunt flying out of a window while high. I hope I didn't ruin the ending for anybody.
(Incidentally, the IMDB shows that Helen Hunt was on Captain Planet as "additional voices". The hell?)
Can you handle their truth? Britney and Kevin: Chaotic premieres tonight on UPN, and I'm already excited/scared. My mind can only handle so much bad grammar and exposure to message t-shirts and mens capri pants.
It seems like such a short time ago that Britney was wearing denim clothes with Justin and winning VMAs. And now she's got a ratty weave and is near illiterate. Okay, she was probably always near illiterate, but it seems like all she does now is laugh like a loon ("HAW-HAW!"), make stupid faces and say things like, "Can you handle my troof?" It's really quite disconcerting and, obviously, Kevin's fault.
Just a few years ago, Tom Cruise was untouchable-literally, you couldn't get near him unless he was saving your life in a freak boating accident or whatever. The media worshipped him and the pesky gay rumors were pushed into the background due to Tom's scary, scary publicist Pat Kingsley, who is the publicist. She used her considerable power to threaten to withhold other A-list clients if need be, so the media backed off.
And then the world's tiniest cult member parted ways with her and hired his sister to act as his publicist instead. Big, big mistake.
It's never been more apparent that this was a bad move then now, when Tom finds himself in a bizarre relationship with Katie Holmes that mystifies everybody. With no Pat Kingsley there to scare them, the media is now calling these two freaks out on this bizarre romance. Even Best Week Ever is snarking on them, saying:
Dating Tom Cruise can actually make your hymen grow back
Oh, snap. Best Week Ever usually reserves their digs for easy targets like Paris and Tara, so if even they're going after you...oh, Tom, how the mighty have fallen.
Of course, Tom is too heterosexually in love with his heterosexual girlfriend to care about all this and, quite blithely (that's the heterosexual way) tells his sister not to mind these jokes, as he's capable of heterosexually laughing at them, being heterosexual and all.
That may seem like common sense, but some people just don't get it. Like Viggo Mortensen, for example, who is under the impression that the 1970s porn star look is still in. It's not.
Nor is the jhullet. Why do you think Pedro has given up so many homeruns lately? That's right, because the activator in his jhullet weighs him down and causes loss of function in his brain.
(Incidentally, when the subway series starts on Friday, Jhullet and Kevin Brown, my other least favorite pitcher, will be squaring off. I am nearly dead of excitement_
On a sad note, the glorious Kylie Minogue has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I love Kylie so, I do believe her brand of pop is absolutely perfect, so I send all of my good vibes to her for a speedy treatment.
Mallory at 5/17/2005 02:41:00 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Let's Play Pretend Today
Suppose for a minute that you're a short, skinny actress with squinty eyes. A lot of people hate you, but I think you're adorable and, really, that's all that matters. You played a beloved chicklit character to rave reviews and an Oscar nom. You follow that up with an...okay turn as a merry murderess and, again, Oscar nom (damn it, that bitch Nicole Kidman just beat you out!). You then ham it up in a period piece and finally win that Oscar! Granted, you accept that offer in a white dress with a ginormous bow in the back but still, it was a rare misstep for you, who often dresses rather splendidly.
Life is good, yes?
Well, sort of. Everyone is OBSESSED with how much you weigh and you get grief when you're on the curvier side and when you're stick skinny. There are rumors that your creepy undead boyfriend lost interest in you when you had the Bridget Jones weight on...ouch.
And, okay, you're sort of annoying. I mean, I like you, but damn, that "Ohmigod, y'all! I'm just a little gal from Texas, I can't believe y'all gave me an award!" shtick that you do at every single award ceremony is so stale. And honey, what's with the shine? You can get really cheap foundation at CVS.
But in spite of this, you've had a pretty good record in the dating department. I mean, I, personally, would sooner kick Jim Carrey in his elastic face than date him, but you know, he was the biggest star at the time, so I can see it. And then you made approximately forty billion women jealous by dating the criminally hot George Clooney. George Clooney! If I may pretend it's 1997 again-you go, girl.
Then you dated the aforementioned undead Jack White. But I guess The White Stripes are, like, popular, or whatever? I'm not the one to ask, as I listen to little other than Mos Def and Madonna. But yes, I've heard that Jack White is way talented or whatever, so good on you. And then when you broke up with him (thank god, because, really, the man is forty shades of creepy) and dated Damien Rice, who I am similarly ignorant about.
And then, a mere four months after dumping the creeptastic vampire, you decide to get married. Which is a weird decision in and of itself, but the man you married is Kenny Chesney.
Now, first, can I ask you something? What's with the dating musicians? Are you trying to be like Winona Ryder? Because Winona Ryder, like Charles Barkley, is no role model.
And, okay, Kenny Chesney? I don't know much about him except that:
Could it be that tensions are brewing in the camp of that less-than-contented crooner? So say sources close to the follicly impaired fella, who tell me that his desire to come out is being thwarted. Although he'd like to come up for air, his management cites "career suicide" if the diminutive doll's fan base (known for being ever-so-slightly conservative) learned he had been in a long-term relationship with his guy Friday. I guess the cheeky chap will have to take out his frustration in the gym and continue focusing on his fine-tuned physique--to say nothing of his unique flair for fashion.
Oh, Renee. Why did you do this? I mean, I don't judge (often) (okay, fine, I do, but I don't judge to people's faces), but really, who thought this was a good idea? And why did you two, who are both as pale as Casper the Ghost's albino cousin, get married on a beach, where you blend in with the sand?
You confuse me. From George Clooney to this? You have some explaining to do!
Now let's pretend you're a Hollywood bad boy. You drink and smoke your way across the world and have sex with anyone (really...anyone. You're not picky) you meet.
You used to be really hot. And you had a promising career, before you pissed it away with fine fare like SWAT and The Recruit.
Is it because you're depressed? Is the syphillis hurting your head? Is that why you've decided to become bloated, rip off David Beckham's hairstyle and wear dollar store jewelry? It is, isn't it? That must be it.
You hurt me.
Mallory at 5/11/2005 02:36:00 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2005
The Boys and Girls Club
Hollywood continues to experience a baby boom of sorts, what with reports that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are expecting a little one.
(I really hope that the baby takes after his/her mother. Because Ben Affleck is just ew, with an enormous head and a reportedly hairy back. Not to mention the fact that he's already demonstrated his fondness for eating children. I'm positively neutral on Jenny Garner, having no interest in Alias or pretty much anything she's ever done, but she's usually cute enough, except lately she looks sort of like Michelle from ANTM, but since Ben looks like a homeless caveman freak, it's not as bad as it could be.)
So this baby will join such fine peers as Baby X Spears Federline, Cruz Beckham, Hazel and Phinneaus Moder, Charles Spencer Crowe, Grace Turlington Burns, Nathan Stewart, Neve O'Brien, Harry Letterman and Apple Martin, all of whom were born in the last year and a half or so.
I mean, granted, Apple and Cruz wouldn't be allowed to play with such commoners as the rest of that lot, especially Baby X, whose Momma considers draperies and Uggs the height of maternity fashion, while Gwyneth wore Stella McCartney during her pregnancy. And Brit's already showing, while Vicki gained approximately fourteen ounces, so you just know Britters wouldn't go over so well with them. And given Gwyneth's obvious distaste of Ben Affleck, Apple probably won't have the Garner child over for playdates too often.
None of the children would be allowed to play with Charles Spencer Crowe, what with his obvious anger issues handed down by his angry father. He'd probably punch them if they happened to mess up a nursery rhyme. They'd also be driven crazy by the horsey laugh of Hazel Moder. The girls would be jealous of how pretty young Miss Turlington is and Cruz and Nathan would come to blows over the disastrous Posh Spice Daily Show interview. Neve and Harry would be too cool for school and let us not even think of the horror that would occur if Liz Hurley's ghastly son Damien joined the mix. Only one other child would be able to coexist in the same room as his monstrous head.
Katie Holmes seems to have developed a rash of sorts after stepping out with her new beau. Which, Katie, seriously, days like that are when you stay indoors and let one of Tom's minions fetch you things or at least wear a bag on your head if you do venture outdoors. There is no excuse for that, I'm sorry.
If you'll indulge me a baseball tangent from a minute, I'll be able to explain that odd feeling of the world spinning in reverse earlier this afternoon. You know that moment when you were like, "Ahhh, what's going on?" and the world turned over? It happened because Kevin Brown actually won a baseball game. Shocking, I know.
Also in baseball news, ball stealer Doug Mientkiewicz and proud jhullet owner Pedro Martinez received their World Series rings and managed to annoy me while doing so. It's nice to know that some things will never change.
If you're into this sort of thing, the trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia is up. I was terrified by the PBS version of the movie, though I don't exactly remember why, so I will be sitting this one out.
Similarly terrifying--The Da Vinci Code: The movie. It hurts, it hurts my heart.
Mallory at 5/08/2005 09:33:00 PM