Sunday, March 05, 2006
Blogging the Oscar Pre-Show
I promised y'all I'd be live-blogging the Oscars and where better to start than E!
Thank you to my unofficial sponsors, Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke and M&Ms!
Running Tally: Who Wants To Kill Isaac Mizrahi
William Hurt
Jessica Alba. Did you see the look of horror on her face when he called her over?
Steve Carell. I can just tell. I have a strange, subconscious obsession with Steve Carell. I am slightly ashamed.
6:40 pm
George Clooney
Eric Bana
Running Tally: Who Wants To Kill Ryan Seacrest
Jessica Alba. She was so skeeved to hear he was drooling over her. She should take solace in the fact that said drooling probably never happened in real life
6:44 pm
Keira Knightley. You just know she was repulsed
6:42 pm
Me. Is he kidding me with "Michelle has lost a lot of weight"? She just had a baby, you deep-fried frog!
Running Tally: Random Annoyances
Really, if I went to California with a gun and got a clear shot at Billy Bush, would one of the lawyers in the audience defend me?
I actually hate Teri Hatcher more than Eva Longoria. Who would have thought that possible? What a nutbar that woman is.
How the hell is Cynthia Effing Garrett worthy of a spot on the red carpet and I'm not?
Seriously, how has no one put out a hit on Billy Bush yet?
Jennifer Aniston wearing black. Didn't see that one coming...her hair looks pretty, though. TEAMANISTON4LIFE!
Nicole Kidman's blonde hair is horrendous. A crime against humanity
How is it possible for a human being to be as beautiful as Salma Hayek?
Eva Longoria. Sure, that came out of nowhere, but it needs to be repeated hourly.
Terence Howard = Eva Pigford. For that reason alone, I cannot endorse his Oscar nomination. I just keep picturing Pigford playing a pimp and I get scared and have ANTM Cycle 3 related night terrors.
Tim Burton and HBC: Allergic to soap? Discuss
Did I just glimpse Steven Cojocaru? It is official, there is no god.
Paul Giamatti "I brushed my teeth". Did you really, Paul?
Why Will Smith? Why? He's all up on Will Ferrell, trying to steal his funny. PAWS OFF, SMITH!Mallory at 3/05/2006 06:36:00 PM