Sunday, September 18, 2005

Like Like

I've been absent for the past few days. Where have I been, you wonder? You know, acting as Q-bert P. Spears Federline's godmother, acting as an informant for the Mirror, the usual. Pretty standard stuff.

Okay, fine, in "reality", I've been working (let's not go there), watching baseball (Rock on, Shawn Chacon. Ohmigod, I just said "rock on") and hyperventilating over the awesomeness of Jordan's wedding.

I have also decided that I need to be more positive. Actually, that's misleading, as it implies that I had something to do with the decision when, in fact, I did not. I never thought of myself as a negative person, exactly (my listed occupation of "Professional Cynic" notwithstanding), but apparently my constant stream of "I hate people", "I don't like when it's rainy", "How is it that you're not ashamed of having such bad taste?" (In my defense, the person in question rented Welcome To Mooseport) indicates that I am, in fact, a bitter misanthrope who hates everything.

The above is merely half true, and I prefer to think of myself as realistic, i.e., not setting myself up to be disappointed when I learn that the world isn't all about sunshine and rainbows and strawberry alarm clocks but, at any rate, I am here to set the record straight and prove that I do like things. Multiple things, even!


Once, when I was asked to expound upon the word "salacious" for a performance class (an ordeal which, in itself, is a story for another time), I went off onto a tangent about Madonna and told the class, quite honestly, that I'd throw them all under a bus for her. While they may have laughed at the time, the fact of the matter is that Madonna is the greatest ever and I mean that with every fiber of my being. I adore her songs, I adore her phase changes, I adored her in A League of their Own, etc. etc. So I'm beyond thrilled about her new album and its retro, bright cover
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Diet Coke With Lime

There are some days, especially a few over this past summer, when it was too hot for me to even think about consuming hot coffee, which, unfortunately, is all the deli next door to my office has, so I would start my Diet Coke drinking at approximately 8 am (I wound up a shaking, quivering mess by approximately 3:30). What I love about Diet Coke with Lime is that it has the punch of Diet Coke with the zing of a lime without going overboard into insecticide territory like its counterpart Diet Coke with Lemon (also known as "Evil").


You know what I hate--oh, that's probably not the best way to prove that I can be positive. So, uh, you know what I don't love? When people act superior because they don't watch TV. I don't know if they want a prize or something, but it's always puzzling when they share that with me. Anyhoo, this week is very special indeed as it marks the season premiere of Arrested Development, the "Where Are They Now?" episode of America's Next Top Model Cycle 4 (I'm willing to wager that at least three have posed in lad mags, walked the runway at a mall and/or quit the industry to take care of their child), and the premiere of America's Next Top Model Cycle 5 with new judge Twiggy. Huzzah!

Grady Sizemore

In the days following my comment about loving him, he went on a tear. Coincidence? Yes, most likely, but let me have my delusions, okay?
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Aisha Tyler

Where, oh where to begin? I'll start with the fact that she's 6 feet tall--we tall freaks of nature have to stick together. Also, she's freaking gorgeous. And funny. And...I should hate her for all of that, but she's so phenomenal that I just can't. She wrote an article for the 800th Issue of Glamour all about airbrushing and how looking perfect just isn't what we should be shooting for, and it was fantastic and I have this daydream that she'll hunt down Richard Roeper for his asshole comments about the Dove "Real Women" ads and then come over for a dinner party with Anderson Cooper. My addled imagination is such a great place to be, seriously.

Rachel Fuller and Parenthetical Notations

Jerry Hall's fantastically snide sidekick and Pete Townshend's girlfriend has her own blog. Yay! And if you're not reading CLC's blog...well, why aren't you? You should be.

Mallory at 9/18/2005 03:10:00 PM



at 1:04 PM Blogger CLC said...


You just made my (mon)day... thank you!

And by the way, I am a firm believer in all things snarky, cynical and jaded, as in real life these things inevitably translate into wry, witty, and gregarious. You rock!


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