Thursday, August 11, 2005
I'm going to write in unrelated point form today because, well, that's how I roll.
♦It's a bad time to be Tyra Banks, huh? On the set of Ty Ty's new talk show, she got into it with rap groupie extraordinaire Karrine "Superhead" Steffans.
Says, uh, Superhead:
"Despite what she thinks, she and I are not that different," Steffans tells Murray. "I have even heard her being referred to as a 'Hollywood Hop' for the many men in Hollywood who have bedded her and moved on."
Superhead went on to threaten to rip out Tyra's wig, which has got to be embarrassing. I mean, all things considered: The girl goes by "Superhead"; she was linked with the likes of 50 Cent and Usher and while I recognize that Tyra's own dating history with the likes of Chris Webber thrown in there classifies her as somewhat questionable, at least she never let Usher touch her; and she is currently dating Bill Maher. I'll let the handy dandy ellipsis sum up my feelings. "..."
Also embarrassing? Having your ass handed to you on a coke covered silver platter by your former employee Janice Dickinson.
Says J. Dick:
Tyra’s no walk in the park. Tyra’s really righteous.
They are not of the caliber I was, or even of what Tyra was.
I walked some of the hardest pavements in the world to become a model, and that’s why I’m entitled to say the things I do, whether it’s to grope-boy Balki on The Surreal Life or to some wannabe on America’s Next Top Model. Eat that, Tyra.
Ouch! And we all know Tyra can't fight back. We've all seen her demonstrate her bad temper with the bizarre Tiffany elimination on ANTM. "I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE YELLED AT A GIRL LIKE THIS! I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!" Like, yeah, Janice killed her dad, I think she could take you, Ty Ty.
♦I've discussed my hatred of PETA before and I'm convinced that they are deliberately trying to get me to go on a mass murder spree with their latest set of ads. I don't even have the words to describe how blatantly offensive I find that, but I do know that I am having a burger for dinner tonight. Anybody up for clubbing a seal?
♦Speaking of mass murder, sort of, I've been watching a lot of Lifetime movies, more than usual even, which I believe is a form of comfort. Some people eat potato chips, I watch things like Meradith Baxter Birney in The Betty Broderick Story. Okay, and I eat potato chips, too. I'm just wondering. MBB's turn as the famous husband murderer was quite good, and the second part of the movie is on tonight at 9, should you be so inclined. I've found that the most intriguing of the television movies are those that are based on true stories and those that star Melrose Place alumni.
♦Is Apple Martin the cutest baby in the world? I think she is. My adoration of Gwyneth Paltrow is well documented and, well, Apple is just so cute! She can totally make the name Apple work, I think.
♦Matt LeBlanc groped a stripper. A girl stripper
"The stripper was all over me. I was drinking, and she was crossing the line. She was in my face, pushing her breasts into me and grabbing my hands to go all over her body. She was telling me to caress her and in my head I'm thinking, 'What's going on?' If I had. been sober, perhaps I would have acted quicker, but I was pretty drunk. When I realized the situation that was unfolding I felt I was being careless and irresponsible, and I had to get the hell out of there. I could not wait to get home. The guys said a trap had been set for me and I fell right in it, and that's why I feel stupid and careless now."
♦I need to step away from the sports media for a day or so because the constant coverage of Terrell Owens, Ricky Williams, and Madden is causing my subconscious to dream crazy things. But really, who am I kidding, I couldn't just up and ignore the media. Where else would I read in-depth features about the continued emasculation of Bud Selig, or see pictures of Huston Street playing the guitar?
Speaking of sports, Jason Giambi--using, or not? Discuss.

♦As all people with good taste do, I'm currently enjoying the Geico commercials and the Starbucks "Hank" commercial immensely. But I have to register a complaint with Sonic for their constant commercials. I have been somewhat obsessed with Sonic banana splits since seeing their commercials every other minute for the past few months, to the point where I nearly threw in the towel and drove to Sonic to buy one. Which I would have, if there were a Sonic ANYWHERE IN THE NORTHEAST. There's not! The closest is in Virginia and while I want a sundae badly, that's much too far for me to go...or is it?
Mallory at 8/11/2005 06:08:00 PM