Tuesday, January 04, 2005

These Are Their Stories...

Okay, my addiction to Law & Order has got to end. I would be embarrassed to add up the number of episodes I've watched over the course of the past few days, so I'm not going to, but suffice it to say...it's sad.

It's really amazing to see how certain characters changed and certain characters remained the same over the years that the shows have been on. Or perhaps amazing is overdoing it a bit. Anyway, in the old episodes, Jack McCoy was just awesome. Principled and willing to fight for what he believed in. But now, he's rather sanctimonious and irritating. Though his compadres in the DA's office--Fred Thompson and Elisabeth Rohm (could Serena Southerlyn possibly be a dumber name?)--might be coloring my perception of him by tainting him with their awfulness. Really, Thompson is just bad. Rohm seems like some sort of mentally challenged zombie and I'd suspect that all she does is read cue cards, but I highly doubt that she knows how to read.

And it's so sad to watch Lenny Briscoe, because I miss Jerry Orbach. Sniff. The episodes with him and Mike Logan are just classic and I could (and do) watch them over and over.

The ADA on SVU is only marginally better than Serena. Memo to the wardrobe department: please do something about Diane Neal's jacked up lipstick before the next episode, okay? It's all I can think about whenever she's onscreen.

Also sad is the end of regular season football. Sniff. But! That means that it's time for the postseason and my love of postseason sports knows no bounds. In a completely, utterly scary way. One of my (many?) faults is hyper competitiveness and it quite often manifests itself in sporting events, which is rather unfortunate, as I have no direct effect upon the outcome of these games. But at any rate, wooo football!

I'd be remiss in letting the season end without giving Eli Manning props for his performance on Sunday.

Oh wait, I totally wouldn't, because he doesn't deserve any props because he sucks. The phrase "totally fucking overrated" comes to mind. Really. I know the media is all about building up the next big thing and the next big thing might fall through, but damn. Watching Eli Manning play football sometimes actually hurt me because I was so embarrassed for him.

And he told the press:

"We have to figure out a way to start winning games".


Sorry. See? I told you I get overly passionate about sports.

Mallory at 1/04/2005 08:02:00 PM



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