Thursday, January 20, 2005

Inauguration Hateration

As all of you know, today is the Presidential Inauguration and the festivities began with some ball yeterday celebrating Texas or something inane like that. Nothing against Texas, I'm just saying. Because in a time of war and an enormous national disaster, what do we need more than tacky parties?

And Washington D.C. is paying for it all, instead of, like, using the money for national security. Who needs safety when there are chicken fingers to be had and patriotic confetti to throw?

Nothing could be cooler than The America's Future Rocks Today concert, where such luminaries as Stephen Baldwin and Nancy O'Dell watched JoJo and Hilary Duff "sing" their "hit" songs. I don't know about you, but I'm totally jealous that I couldn't hang out with the born-again Baldwin brother and listen to a six-year-old sing about how her man done her wrong.

And the guy from Fuel cursed. First of all...Fuel? They're still, like, real? Second of, really, are they?

And to add insult to injury, the Bush family makes things even worse by not knowing how to dress. I oughtn't be surprised, but I love the twins so and always want them to dress splendidly. Alas, it was just not meant to be....

At the Black Tie and Boots Ball, Jenna looks fab and Barbara bought her gown from Deb. I thought Babs (yes, we're on a nickname basis) was supposedly a fashionista? I assumed she'd know better than to choose something so boring and ill-fitting. Jenna looks great, though, I love her hair and dress.

As far as Laura's dress goes, I don't even know what to say. Well, what to say besides what the fuck is that? All of the dresses on Dynasty are better than that. Carolina Herrera, you let me down!

During the inauguration, Barbara's jacket is awesome and Jenna's looks like something my grandmother would wear. The back of Barbara's is gorgeous, very retro and glam. Jenna's is an improvement over that tracksuit thing she wore at the RNC, but still, stop cribbing fashion tips from Bea Arthur, Jen! Their mother seems to have turned Mormon or something.

I hope that Jenna and Barbara wear something smashing tonight, because if I have to pay attention to the coverage of this shit, it better at least be aided by pictures of pretty dresses.

Mallory at 1/20/2005 06:02:00 PM



at 8:42 PM Blogger Mallory said...

Luckily for us, I don't know that the red states will ever be ready for a powerful woman. Although I'd kill to see them do a state of the union address.

at 11:05 PM Blogger Lauren said...

Aw, I like Jenna's coat.


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