Sunday, January 16, 2005

Did I Just Hallucinate?

Did I hallucinate, or did this article really make the claim that Nicolas Cage, modern day James Caan and Tom Selleck are heartthrobs?

Godfather era James Caan, sure. But NICOLAS CAGE? I know that some people agree with this, but ew. He's so icky.

The word heartthrob has officially been bastardized beyond all comprehension.


And did I hallucinate or did the Jets/Steelers game really go into overtime? The Jets. The Jets played, like, high school teams all year.

Also suspicious is the fact that I haven't heard of Herm going on any rampages after the loss. The man may be the nicest person in the Western World, but damn if he doesn't look like he's going to go shouty crackers

Today is such a great football day, if only because the Patriots are playing the Colts and it's always fun to watch Peyton "Slow Pete" Manning make an ass out of himself. And the Vikings/Eagles game should be fun, too. Yay football!

Mallory at 1/16/2005 10:59:00 AM



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