Wednesday, December 15, 2004


While meeting with my professor about my internship, he asked me if I'd seen any good movies recently. He's somewhat scatterbrained and often asks random questions rather than focus on the task at hand. I said that no, I hadn't, and he told me that he had just watched Mean Girls and that "it made me think of you!"

I wasn't exactly sure what he meant. Did he think I was a bitch? Or a loser? Or...? So I asked him to clarify.

"Oh, because of your teen girl patois."


Despite looking seventeen, I'm not a teenager anymore (sadly, as it's a perfect excuse for doing dumb things. "But I'm only nineteen!)and had hoped that my speaking patterns would mature along with me.

I then paid attention to the way I talk for the rest of the day and decided that excessive use of "um", "totally", "seriously" and "brill" are probably keeping me in the teen girl market.

That vignette served little purpose other than to apologize for my teen girl speak and to get myself out of studying.


Pedro Martinez and his jhullet are on their way to the Mets!

The Mets, obv., are in New York. And I am in New York. So, theoretically, I could, say, go to Queens and, I don't know...taunt him about his jhullet if I so desired. Because, say it with me! Pedro has a jhullet, y'all.

Ugh, Pedro Martinez, I can't staaaaaand him. I don't care how good he is, the diva tantrums (and the hair don't) have to go.


For those of you on the West Coast, turn away if you should be so inclined, for I shall be discussing America's Next Top Model, as decided by that esteemed panel of Ty Ty Banks, Janice Dickinson, Nigel "Hot" Barker and Nole Marin.

I'll begin by admitting that my friend Nicole and I did jumps of joy and possibly squealed (see: my teenaged girl patois) when Amanda was eliminated. I hated Amanda for many reasons-her bitchiness, her temper tantrums over her beads, her crying, her dancing, her attitude, her weave made of hay, etc. And also, she sucked. And was blind. And too old to start modeling. And was blind.

Once it came down to Yaya and Eva, I was fine with either. And, as I predicted earlier, Eva won. And I find it hilarious that her last name is Pigford. It's the little things in life, you know?

I figured Yaya was done for when they said she looked like Ty Ty. Because the odds of Tyra picking a model who looked like her, but ten years younger? Slim to none.

Oh, Tyra. I love your show so damn much, I'm sad that it's over. I'd ask for an all ANTM channel, but if it ever came to that, I'd never leave the house.


Mallory at 12/15/2004 01:33:00 AM



at 11:01 AM Blogger Rayanne Graff said...

"Oh, because of your teen girl patois."

"How dare those people keep treating us like stupid teenage girls?!"
"We are stupid teenage girls."

Okay, that was the last one! I promise to stop chasing you round the internets leaving Dick quotes on all your sites!


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