Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Today Is Weird
This is what they mean when they say too much schoolwork is bad for the brain. And by "they", of course, I mean...me.
Man: You suck and swallow anything that come out that mothafucka!
Babymama: What did you just say? Get your ass back here! You don't know what you're saying!
Man: I am SICK of this! SICK of this!
The man then stormed away, crossing the street without them. Babymama then left the baby on the other side of the street, ran after him, kicked him in the stomach, and then stopped traffic to run and get her baby.
I think I speak for us all when I say that people scare me.
A simple "I'm on another call" would have done just fine, really.
Mallory at 11/16/2004 03:47:00 PM
- at 10:34 PM phoenix said...
Sounds like today kinda sucked. I can sympathize although my "other people" experience was much better, helpful, even. I'm more in a "technology sucks" mood. I do hope you got a nap though. Mmm... naps are very good. Maybe I'll do that. I think I'll do that now.
- at 2:14 AM phoenix said...
I love Sean Bean, but he'd have to be on an extra-terrestial level of hotness to transcend dreadfully dull and dumb James Joyce Professor. Or at least pass an oral exam.