Saturday, November 20, 2004
Somebody on my floor has insisted upon playing the Rent soundtrack all afternoon.
It's driving me absolutely mad.
For a brief moment in 1996, Rent captured the hearts of people all over. And then, in 1997, people started to realize that it was rather dated and terribly schmaltzy. All of the people, of course, except Rentheads.
Rentheads are those people who went to see Rent ten times a week and quoted lyrics in their yearbooks. These people are scary and not to be trusted. I think what's most annoying, besides their irritating habit of thinking that they are friends with the cast members, is that they truly think they are part of some elite group of wonderful musical fans who are privy to Jonathan Larson's special vision and that it makes them, somehow, better than the rest of the world.
Um, hi. Seasons of Love is the soundtrack to every elevator ride on the Eastern Seaboard and Chris Columbus is directing the film version. I truly think you lose all street cred when your play is being adapted by the man who brought us such indie films as Bicentennial Man and Jingle All The Way.
This isn't even taking into account how incredibly sappy the lyrics are, for an allegedly edgy musical-measuring a year in LOVE? Yeah, okay. And did you know that love prevents junkies from dying of AIDS? Because it does. And there's no day but today. NO DAY BUT TODAY!
I seriously want to stab somebody right now.
I should take a moment to do something that I haven't done in a while, which is publicly declare my love for Tom Brady:

People are always surprised that I like watching sports and even more surprised when they realize that I actually know what I'm talking about. I'm not totally sure why that is.
Anyhoo, the Patriots play this Monday and I'll be able to watch the game from the comfort of my own room while home for Thanksgiving break. It will be quite exciting. Especially if I can coerce someone into buying pumpkin ice cream for me. Pumpkin ice cream + Tom Brady = A good Monday night. Better if he were here in person, sure, but let's not get bogged down in the details.
George H.W. Bush's speech at the dedication of the Clinton library was seriously awesome.
Apropos of nothing, I hate watching Sex and the City on TBS, because it's horribly obvious where they edit it. Samantha Jones has no place on TBS, seriously.
Mallory at 11/20/2004 07:15:00 PM
- at 1:37 PM Rayanne Graff said...
I've never seen Rent.
Um, I have nothing of interest to say. Sorry.- at 3:09 PM Lauren said...
My friend went to school at Boston University and somehow ended up living on the floor with all the musical theater majors. She said they were insane.
- at 1:53 AM seanlmccarthy said...
Hopefully you can find some solace in the musical parody that exists within "Team America: World Police." I guess all of those "Cats" fans needed something else to cling to in these dark hours of Bush 2: Electric Boogaloo.