Friday, October 08, 2004


I'm hopelessly addicted to postseason baseball, which is dangerous, as it makes me break out into hives and bite my fingernails. It's just so stressful!

I'm watching the Red Sox/Anaheim game and I must ask-why is Manny Ramirez? I understand that it his not his job to be particularly good looking, which is a good thing for him, since he's not. At all.

Perhaps I'm making too much of this. But really, his fug is like whoa.

And don't even get me started on Johnny Damon. He frightens small children.

I'd discuss my hatred of Pedro Martinez, but it's not good for the blood pressure.

Neither is this game! Ahead, behind, up, down, tied, ack! And I have nothing personally invested in either of these teams. Well, aside from the hateration of the Red Sox Nation, but whatevah. I will have no fingernails tomorrow, I can tell.


Continuing the theme of hateration in this dancerie, the new Eminem song? Sucks. It sucks so hard. Wicked hard, even. And the video? Even worse, if possible. He takes shots at Michael Jackson, Madonna, Pee Wee Herman and MC Hammer. Say what?! I love how he fancies himself to be this big, brave guy, but when it comes to public beefs he goes after MC Hammer. What balls he has.

My main issue with Eminem (besides the Shady brand clothing line that redefines the word "wretched"...and the bleached hair...and 8 Mile...) is the fact that he's just ridiculous. Remember how in high school, when your parents grounded you, you'd be all, "I hate you so much" and then write in your diary about how much you hated them? Well, that's what Eminem does, except his sets his diary to lame beats and films videos about his entries. Calling people "bitch" and "fag" when you're mad is so prepubescent. He's an emotionally stunted freak, is what he is, and not half as clever as he thinks he is.

In other news: Linday Lohan's dad continues to be creepy and trashy. And also, Lindsay don't play no games when it comes to blueberry muffins. Well, fame went to her head pretty fast, didn't it? Downward spirals are endlessly entertaining. Fresh faced starlet one, Fez-dating, cleavage revealing, Paris Hilton friend the next. Hilarious.

Haylie Duff continues to claim to be 19. Um, whatever, heffa. 19 year olds don't look like that. She sort of reminds me of the Nouveau riche housewife ads that Amber Valletta and Georgina Grenville did for Versace. Except she's not being tongue in cheek.

In gossip news, Ted Casablanca continues to be incoherent and ridiculous. And also, his blind items are l-a-m-e. Someone is gay! The shock! Someone snorts coke! Mon dieu! And his infantile, cutesy way of writing is just maddening. Maddening, I tell you.

Mallory at 10/08/2004 07:30:00 PM



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