Sunday, September 26, 2004

What Would Linda Evangelista Do?

I'm beginning to think I have some sort of genetic abnormality that prevents me from getting anything done on a Saturday.

I tell myself, every weekend, "I really ought to do my work on Saturday, so then I have all day Sunday to just enjoy things." And that was my plan! It was so totally my plan. I woke up, and I was all, "Woo! I'm going to be productive! Excellent!"

I think that I had the same WordPerfect document open all day and I have typed POS 263 and, uh, that's it. There was this little voice in my head saying, "You know, there's all day tomorrow to do work..."

I like to think that this voice is the Linda Evangelista in me. The inner bitch and diva, if you will, and the reason why I occasionally rock the bitchface.

You see, if Linda hadn't been well on her way to being a supermodel during her college years, she wouldn't be doing any of this so-called "work" on the weekends. Granted, I think she'd spend most of the weekends in a coke-fueled haze, but whatever. The comparison is there.

This weekend, I indulged my inner Linda Evangelista, except I didn't spend it all high or drunk. So it's really hardly comparable to Linda Evangelista, but whatevah.

  • I bought two (!) more cases of Diet Coke with Lime one of which is half gone as of this entry. Linda, of course, has not eaten since 1983, save for that span of time when she got fat and weighed in at about 150 pounds. Other than that, she likely survives on ciggies and Diet Coke. I don't smoke anymore, because it always made my nails really gross, but I am addicted to Diet Coke. If it wasn't so inconvenient, I'd walk around with a DC IV.

  • Flitting about looking at the David Yurman line on Neiman Marcus's Website. What befits a diva most? Pretty jewelry. For some reason, I've had an odd fascination with Yurman, probably resulting from the gorgeous ads with Kate and Amber, plus his love of amethyst, which I like as well. Linda Evangelista would probably buy herself the amethyst necklace that she liked, but Linda also has a fat checking account while decidedly not, uh, big.
  • Painting my nails. I'm almost embarrassed by how long it's been since I've gotten my nails done, but the lady who used to do them when I am up at school decided to have a baby and needs "maternity leave" and all that, so I'm on my own. Thank goodness for Anna Sui.

  • Reading Vanity Fair and putting pictures on my wall like some sort of crazed teenybopper. I am a crazed teenybopper, really, except that I can buy alcohol and don't wear hid ruffled minis. Now, one would think that Linda would kick my ass for being so silly, and she probably would, you're right. But she also seems like the type of girl who has goals and wants to focus on the seduction. As I plan on seducing one Mr. Jude Law, I need to see pictures to motivate me. Or something.

  • Watching I Love the 90s for the billionth time and not doing any work. If Linda Evangelista had work to do, she'd either promise a nerd that she'd kiss him if he did it, or she'd kick a girl with her Blahniks to scare her into doing it. I'm a pacifist by nature, so the kicking is out, and I don't know any nerdy boys, so I just decided to pretend that I had no work to do, which worked out rather nicely. Of course, I say that now, but tomorrow I'll be bugging about all I need to do.

    But whatever.

    I leave you with a quote from the diva herself-We have this saying, Christy and I: We don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day

    May we all never leave bed for less than $10,000. Ever.

    Mallory at 9/26/2004 02:38:00 AM



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